Make Up Your Mind by François Nars

François Nars
I've bought this book last Christmas, as a present to myself and I am so glad I did! It's a true make-up bible written for every girl and woman who want to know how to enhance her natural beauty and learn make-up secrets, tips and tricks. After reading Make Up Your Mind I felt like I had a session with a professional make-up artist and certainly gained more confidence and knowledge in this area.
The book is divided into several sections. First few cover the basic of skin care and make up and contains some basic rules you need to know before you begin. And then there are separate chapters on eyes and lips, neutral make up, shimmer, monochrome and suntan looks, pastels and colour.
The best thing about this book is that it includes 65 "before" and "after" photos of fashion models that come from different ethnic background and have different skin colours, eye shapes and facial structures, so you can always find somebody like yourself. Some of the names include Naomi, Eva, Adriana, Aoki, Fernanda Tavares, Natalia Semanova and Sophie Dalh. Their photos are taken in the same studio, with the same light and presented without airbrushing, so you can see what their faces and skin look like without make up.
Then there is a plastic template for every make up, which you can use to see what types of products were used for a certain look and how and where they were applied. I've included a look for Adriana Lima, so you can see what I mean.

Of course, all the products are by Nars, but you can easily check the colours and then buy your favourite brand instead.
In my opinion, this book is a real treasure to have and to keep. I bought mine from amazon for £16.00 (it was Christmas sale), however, it retails for about £27-35. If it sounds like too much money, you can also try ebay, google it or just wait for another sale.
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