I’ve recently received this very special Divine award from my dear beautiful friend Ela who I adore with all my heart.

This award requires me to write about my 5 guilty pleasures. You can see my list No. 1
here and now I am going to list 5 more things that I find quite addictive.
Flowers. A bunch of fresh flower makes me very happy, so I have to have them.
Pretty things for my dog. I know Oscar does not really care about his toys (he is just as happy with an old sock or a twig as with a cute stuffed teddy bear) or collar, but I want him to have the most beautiful toys and accessories. Lately I’ve got him a red leather collar and lead set. It looks so beautiful on him!
Face care products. My make-up collection is very minimalistic, but I take a very special care when it comes to my creams, masks, serums and scrubs.
Shoes. I like to buy beautiful shoes as a treat, as something that helps me express the way I feel or make me feel different when I feel like it. I adore beautiful shoes the way I love something created by an artist, but when it comes to shoes, it’s not just about the lines, colours and style, it’s about comfort, too. I’d never wear shoes that make me feel pins in my brain when I walk.
Having my hair done. Every time I visit my stylist, he makes me feel like a princess, beautiful and pampered. I love these moments!

This time I don't want to pick just a few blogs. If you are a follower, please feel free to do this tag. Let me know when your post is on-line - I would love to read about your guilty pleasures!
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